Instrumental music, specialisation - piano

In power from: 31 Mar 2021

Registration criteria



(three-stage remote exams)

Stage I Playing an instrument - the candidate presents a program lasting 25 - 30 minutes.

Program Requirements:

Guidelines for recordings (in the case of remote exams):

The Commission reserves the right to shorten the program.

In the case of remote exams, video files in MP4 format should be attached to the IRK system.

Stage II CANCELED - Specialist exam in sight-reading music;

Directional exam - presentation of the level of mastery and interpretation of a piece prepared in 30 minutes.

The number of points that qualifies a candidate for the next stage is the average obtained from all component exams of this stage.

Stage III Specialization examination in cultural knowledge, thematically related to the selected field and specialty of study (oral examination).


The maximum total number of points for stages I, II and III is: 150 points.